Meaning of INJECTION
Pronunciation: | | in'jekshun
Matching Terms: | | Injection site rotation
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | 1. A function, f : A -> B, is injective or one-one, or is an injection, if and only if for all a,b in A, f(a) = f(b) => a = b. I.e. no two different inputs give the same output (contrast many-to-one). This is sometimes called an embedding. Only injective functions have left inverses f' where f'(f(x)) = x, since if f were not an injection, there would be elements of B for which the value of f' was not unique. If an injective function is also a surjection then is it a bijection. 2. An injection function is one which takes objects of type T and returns objects of type C(T) where C is some type constructor. An example is f x = (x, 0). The opposite of an injection function is a projection function which extracts a component of a constructed object, e.g. fst (x,y) = x. We say that f injects its argument into the data type and fst projects it out. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | antitoxin, apogee, aside, attitude-control rocket, bag, ballistic capsule, bang, booster, booster dose, booster shot, brewing, burn, capsule, deck, deep-space ship, docking, docking maneuver, dose, draft, drench, drenching, dropping, drug packet, ducking, dunking, Earth insertion, embedment, encroachment, entrance, entrenchment, episode, ferry rocket, fix, fuel ship, graft, grafting, hit, hypodermic, hypodermic injection, imbruement, imbuement, impaction, impactment, impingement, implantation, imposition, impregnation, incursion, infiltration, infix, infixion, influx, infringement, infusion, inoculation, inroad, insert, insertion, insinuation, intercalation, interference, interjection, interlineation, interlocution, interloping, interpolation, interposition, interposure, interruption, intervention, introduction, intromission, intrusion, invasion, irruption, jet injection, leaching, LEM, lixiviation, LM, lunar excursion module, lunar module, maceration, mainlining, manned rocket, module, moon ship, multistage rocket, narcotic injection, narcotic shot, obiter dictum, obtrusion, orbit, overdose, parenthesis, parking orbit, penetration, percolation, perfusion, perigee, permeation, popping, portion, potion, pulping, reentry, remark, rocket, saturation, seething, shooting up, shot, shuttle rocket, side remark, skin-popping, soak, soakage, soaking, soft landing, sopping, souse, sousing, space capsule, space docking, space rocket, spacecraft, spaceship, steeping, tessellation, tossing-in, transplant, transplantation, trespass, trespassing, unlawful entry, vaccination, vaccine |