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Pronunciation:  `heturu'jeeneeus

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  originating outside the body
  2. [adj]  consisting of elements that are not of the same kind or nature; "the population of the United States is vast and heterogeneous"
 Synonyms: assorted, disparate, heterogenous, inhomogeneous, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, nonuniform, sundry(a)
 Antonyms: autogenic, autogenous, homogeneous, homogenous
 See Also: different, diversified, varied



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Het`er*o*ge"ne*ous\, a. [Gr. ?; ? + ? race, kind;
akin to E. kin: cf. F. h['e]t['e]rog[`e]ne.]
Differing in kind; having unlike qualities; possessed of
different characteristics; dissimilar; -- opposed to
homogeneous, and said of two or more connected objects, or of
a conglomerate mass, considered in respect to the parts of
which it is made up. -- {Het`er*o*ge"ne*ous*ly}, adv. --
{Het`er*o*ge"ne*ous*ness}, n.
{Heterogeneous nouns} (Gram.), nouns having different genders
   in the singular and plural numbers; as, hic locus, of the
   masculine gender in the singular, and hi loci and h[ae]c
   loca, both masculine and neuter in the plural; hoc
   c[ae]lum, neuter in the singular; hi c[ae]li, masculine in
   the plural.
{Heterogeneous quantities} (Math.), such quantities as are
   incapable of being compared together in respect to
   magnitude, and surfaces and solids.
{Heterogeneous surds} (Math.), surds having different radical
Computing Dictionary

Composed of unrelated parts, different in kind.

Often used in the context of distributed systems that may be running different operating systems or network protocols (a heterogeneous network).

For examples see: interoperable database, middleware.

Constrast homogeneous.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: amalgamated, ambiguous, ambivalent, amphibious, assorted, at odds, at variance, blended, combined, complex, composite, compound, compounded, conglomerate, contrary, contrasted, contrasting, dappled, departing, deviating, deviative, different, differentiated, differing, disaccordant, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, discrete, discriminated, disjoined, disparate, dissimilar, dissonant, distinct, distinguished, divergent, diverging, divers, diverse, diversified, eclectic, equivocal, fifty-fifty, half-and-half, in disagreement, inaccordant, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inconsonant, indiscriminate, inharmonious, intricate, ironic, irreconcilable, jumbled, many, many and various, many-sided, medley, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, multifaceted, multifarious, multinational, multiracial, of all sorts, patchy, pluralistic, poles apart, poles asunder, promiscuous, scrambled, separate, separated, several, sundry, syncretic, thrown together, unconformable, unequal, unlike, variant, varied, variegated, various, varying, widely apart, worlds apart