FUN: Thesaurus Entry, Synonyms and Antonym
Pronunciation: | | fun
| Related Terms: | | act, action, amusement, amusing, animal pleasure, ball, be merry with, beguiling, behave, belly laugh, big time, blitheness, blue story, bodily pleasure, carnal delight, comfort, content, contentment, coziness, crack a joke, crack wise, creature comforts, delightful, dirty joke, dirty story, disport, diversion, diverting, do, double entendre, ease, endpleasure, enjoyment, entertaining, entertainment, ethnic joke, euphoria, fleer at, fool, forepleasure, frivolity, fruition, fun and games, function, funmaking, funny story, gag, game, gibe at, glee, gleefulness, go, good one, good story, good time, gratification, great fun, great satisfaction, gusto, hearty enjoyment, high glee, high old time, high time, hilariousness, hilarity, howler, humorous, intellectual pleasure, jape, jest, jestbook, jive, jocularity, jocundity, joie de vivre, joke, jolliness, jollity, jolly, josh, joviality, joy, joyfulness, joyousness, keen pleasure, kicks, kid, kid around, laugh, laughs, laughter, levity, lovely time, luxury, make a funny, make fun, make fun of, merriment, merriness, mirth, mirthfulness, mischief, mock, officiate, operate, panic, perform, physical pleasure, picnic, play, play on words, pleasant time, pleasure, point, poke fun at, pun, quiet pleasure, quip, rag, razz, react, recreation, recreational, relish, rib, rib tickler, ridicule, riot, run, satisfaction, scintillate, scoff at, scream, self-gratification, self-indulgence, sensual pleasure, sensuous pleasure, serve, sexual pleasure, sick joke, sidesplitter, sight gag, sparkle, sport, story, sweetness of life, take, teasing, titillating, titillation, titillative, utter a mot, visual joke, voluptuousness, well-being, wheeze, wisecrack, work, wow, yarn, zest |