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Meaning of EMERALD

Pronunciation:  'emuruld

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the green color of an emerald
  2. [n]  a transparent piece of emerald that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem
  3. [n]  a green transparent form of beryl; highly valued as a gemstone
 See Also: beryl, gem, green, greenness, jewel, precious stone, transparent gem, viridity



Products Dictionary

When Kendra Chase's overprotective brothers catch her and Patrick Trick Caldwell, a mysterious highwayman, in a compromising embrace, they force the two unlikely lovers into marriage, but Kendra soon discovers that her moody, complex husband may be hiding some dangerous and surprising secrets. Original.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Em"er*ald\, n. [OE. emeraude, OF. esmeraude, esmeralde,
    F. ['e]meraude, L. smaragdus, fr. Gr. ?; cf. ?kr. marakata.]
    1. (Min.) A precious stone of a rich green color, a variety
       of beryl. See {Beryl}.
    2. (Print.) A kind of type, in size between minion and
       nonpare?l. It is used by English printers.
    Note: [hand] This line is printed in the type called emerald.
  2. \Em"er*ald\, a.
    Of a rich green color, like that of the emerald. ``Emerald
    meadows.'' --Byron.
    {Emerald fish} (Zo["o]l.), a fish of the Gulf of Mexico
       ({Gobionellus oceanicus}), remarkable for the brilliant
       green and blue color of the base of the tongue; -- whence
       the name; -- called also {esmeralda}.
    {Emerald green}, a very durable pigment, of a vivid light
       green color, made from the arseniate of copper; green
       bice; Scheele's green; -- also used adjectively; as,
       emerald green crystals.
    {Emerald Isle}, a name given to Ireland on account of the
       brightness of its verdure.
    {Emerald spodumene}, or {Lithia emerald}. (Min.) See
    {Emerald nickel}. (Min.) See {Zaratite}.
Computing Dictionary

An object-oriented distributed programming language and environment developed at the University of Washington in the early 1980s. Emeral was the successor to EPL. It is strongly typed and uses signatures and prototypes rather than inheritance.

["Distribution and Abstract Types in Emerald", A. Black et al, IEEE Trans Soft Eng SE-13(1):65-76 (Jan 1987)].

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing an emerald in your dream, represents strength. longevity, and durability. You may be entering the healing stages of some situation.
Easton Bible Dictionary

Heb. nophek (Ex. 28:18; 39:11); i.e., the "glowing stone", probably the carbuncle, a precious stone in the breastplate of the high priest. It is mentioned (Rev. 21:19) as one of the foundations of the New Jerusalem. The name given to this stone in the New Testament Greek is smaragdos, which means "live coal."

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adamant, aestival, agate, alexandrite, amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, beryl-green, berylline, bloodstone, blue-green, bluish-green, brilliant, carbuncle, carnelian, chalcedony, chartreuse, chloranemic, chlorine, chlorotic, chrysoberyl, chrysolite, citrine, citrinous, coral, demantoid, diamond, foliaged, garnet, girasol, glaucescent, glaucous, glaucous-green, grassy, green, green as grass, green-blue, greenish, greenish-blue, greenish-yellow, greensick, harlequin opal, heliotrope, holly, hyacinth, ivy, ivy-green, jade, jadestone, jargoon, jasper, lapis lazuli, leafy, leaved, moonstone, morganite, olivaceous, olive, olive-green, onyx, opal, peridot, plasma, porraceous, rose quartz, ruby, sapphire, sard, sardonyx, smaragdine, spinel, spinel ruby, springlike, summerlike, summery, topaz, turquoise, verdant, verdurous, vernal, vernant, vert, virescent, yellowish-green