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Meaning of DRUM

Pronunciation:  drum

Computing Dictionary

Ancient slow, cylindrical magnetic media that were once state-of-the-art storage devices. Under BSD Unix the disk partition used for swapping is still called "/dev/drum"; this has led to considerable humour and not a few straight-faced but utterly bogus "explanations" getting foisted on newbies.

See also "The Story of Mel".

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: barrage, barrel, beat, beat a ruffle, beat a tattoo, beat the drum, beat time, beating, bole, bongo drum, cackle, call, canvass, carol, cask, caw, chatter, cheep, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, chuck, clack, cluck, cock-a-doodle-doo, column, conga, coo, count, count the beats, croak, cronk, crow, cuckoo, cylinder, cylindroid, din, ding, drizzle, drum music, drumbeat, drumfire, drumhead, drumming, drumskin, drumstick, fall, flutter, gabble, gaggle, go pitapat, gobble, guggle, hammer, honk, hoo, hoot, jazz stick, keep time, kettle, kettledrum, membranophone, mizzle, palpitate, palpitation, pant, paradiddle, patter, peep, pelt, pillar, pip, pipe, pitapat, pitter-patter, play drum, pound, pounding, pour, pour with rain, precipitate, pulsate, pulsation, pulse, quack, rain, rain tadpoles, rataplan, rat-a-tat, rat-tat, rat-tat-tat, rattattoo, roll, roller, rouleau, rub-a-dub, ruff, ruffle, scold, shower, shower down, side drum, sing, snare, snare drum, sound a tattoo, spatter, spit, splatter, splutter, sprinkle, sputter, squawk, staccato, stream, tabor, taboret, tabret, tambourine, tam-tam, tap, tat-tat, tattoo, tenor drum, throb, throbbing, thrum, thump, thumping, tick, ticktock, timbrel, timpani, tom-tom, trill, troll-drum, trunk, tube, tweet, twit, twitter, tymp stick, tympan, tympanon, tympanum, war drum, warble, weep, whistle