Meaning of CHILI
Pronunciation: | | 'chilee
Matching Terms: | | Chilblain, chilblained, chilblains, child, child abuse, child care, child molester, child neglect, child pornography, child process, child prodigy, child psychology, child record, Child study, child support, child version, child welfare agency, child welfare service, Childbearing, Childbed, childbed fever, childbirth, childbirth-preparation class, childcare, Childcrowing, Childe, Childe Hassam, Childed, Childermas day, Childhood, Childing, Childish, Childishly, childishness, childless, childlessness, childlike, childly, Childness, Children, child's body, child's game, child's play, child's room, Childship, Chile, Chile bonito, Chile hazel, Chile nut, chile pine, Chile tarweed, Chileab, Chilean, Chilean bonito, Chilean cedar, Chilean firebush, Chilean flameflower, Chilean hazelnut, Chilean jasmine, Chilean monetary unit, Chilean nut, Chilean peso, Chilean pine, Chilean rimu, Chilean strawberry, chili con carne, chili dog, chili pepper, chili powder, chili sauce, chili vinegar, Chiliab, chiliad, Chiliagon, Chiliahedron, Chilian, Chiliarchy, Chiliasm, Chiliast, chiliastic, Chilion, chill, chill out, Chilled, chilli, chilli pepper, chilliness, chilling, Chillness, chills, chills and fever, chilly, Chilmad, Chiloe, Chilognath, Chilognatha, Chiloma, Chilomastix, Chilomeniscus, Chilomeniscus cinctus, Chilomycterus, Chilopod, Chilopoda, Chilopsis, Chilopsis linearis, Chilostoma, Chilostomatous, Chiltern Hundreds
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | D.L. Abt. Language for systems programming, based on ALGOL 60 with extensions for structure and type declarations. "CHILI, An Algorithmic Language for Systems Programming", CHI-1014, Chi Corp (Sep 1975). |
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