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Pronunciation:  `salyu'teyshun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  (usually plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting)
  2. [n]  word of greeting used to begin a letter
  3. [n]  an act of honor or courteous recognition; "a musical salute to the composer on his birthday"
 Synonyms: greeting
 See Also: acknowledgement, acknowledgment, afternoon, calling card, card, compliments, credit, good afternoon, good morning, hail, hello, hi, how-do-you-do, howdy, hullo, kiss of peace, military greeting, morning, opening, pax, reception, recognition, regard, response, salute, visiting card, welcome, well-wishing, wish



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Sal`u*ta"tion\, n. [L. salutatio: cf. F. salutation.
See {Salute}.]
The act of saluting, or paying respect or reverence, by the
customary words or actions; the act of greeting, or
expressing good will or courtesy; also, that which is uttered
or done in saluting or greeting.
      In all public meetings or private addresses, use those
      forms of salutation, reverence, and decency usual
      amongst the most sober persons.          --Jer. Taylor.
Syn: Greeting; salute; address.
Usage: {Salutation}, {Greeting}, {Salute}. Greeting is the
       general word for all manner of expressions of
       recognition, agreeable or otherwise, made when persons
       meet or communicate with each other. A greeting may be
       hearty and loving, chilling and offensive, or merely
       formal, as in the opening sentence of legal documents.
       Salutation more definitely implies a wishing well, and
       is used of expressions at parting as well as at
       meeting. It is used especially of uttered expressions
       of good will. Salute, while formerly and sometimes
       still in the sense of either greeting or salutation,
       is now used specifically to denote a conventional
       demonstration not expressed in words. The guests
       received a greeting which relieved their
       embarrassment, offered their salutations in
       well-chosen terms, and when they retired, as when they
       entered, made a deferential salute.
             Woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye love the
             uppermost seats in the synagogues, and greetings
             in the markets.                   --Luke xi. 43.
             When Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the
             babe leaped in her womb.          --Luke i. 41.
             I shall not trouble my reader with the first
             salutes of our three friends.     --Addison.
Easton Bible Dictionary

"Eastern modes of salutation are not unfrequently so prolonged as to become wearisome and a positive waste of time. The profusely polite Arab asks so many questions after your health, your happiness, your welfare, your house, and other things, that a person ignorant of the habits of the country would imagine there must be some secret ailment or mysterious sorrow oppressing you, which you wished to conceal, so as to spare the feelings of a dear, sympathizing friend, but which he, in the depth of his anxiety, would desire to hear of. I have often listened to these prolonged salutations in the house, the street, and the highway, and not unfrequently I have experienced their tedious monotony, and I have bitterly lamented useless waste of time" (Porter, Through Samaria, etc.). The work on which the disciples were sent forth was one of urgency, which left no time for empty compliments and prolonged greetings (Luke 10:4).
