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Meaning of ODD

Pronunciation:  âd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  not easily explained; "it is odd that his name is never mentioned"
  2. [adj]  not divisible by two
  3. [adj]  (in combination) an indefinite quantity more than that specified; "invited 30-odd guests"
  4. [adj]  not used up; "leftover meatloaf"; "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"; "some odd dollars left"; "saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"; "unexpended provisions"
  5. [adj]  beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; "a curious hybrid accent"; "her speech has a funny twang"; "they have some funny ideas about war"; "had an odd name"; "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves"; "something definitely queer about this town"; "what a rum fellow"; "singular behavior"
  6. [adj]  of the remaining member of a pair, of socks e.g.
 Synonyms: curious, funny, inexact, left over(p), left(p), leftover, mismatched, peculiar, queer, remaining, rum, rummy, singular, strange, unexhausted, unexpended, unmatched, unmated, unpaired, unusual
 Antonyms: even



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Odd\, a. [Compar. {Odder}; superl. {Oddest}.] [OE. odde,
fr.Icel. oddi a tongue of land, a triangle, an odd number
(from the third or odd angle, or point, of a triangle),
orig., a point, tip; akin to Icel. oddr point, point of a
weapon, Sw. udda odd, udd point, Dan. od, AS. ord, OHG. ort,
G. ort place (cf. E. point, for change of meaning).]
1. Not paired with another, or remaining over after a
   pairing; without a mate; unmatched; single; as, an odd
   shoe; an odd glove.
2. Not divisible by 2 without a remainder; not capable of
   being evenly paired, one unit with another; as, 1, 3, 7,
   9, 11, etc., are odd numbers.
         I hope good luck lies in odd numbers. --Shak.
3. Left over after a definite round number has been taken or
   mentioned; indefinitely, but not greatly, exceeding a
   specified number; extra.
         Sixteen hundred and odd years after the earth was
         made, it was destroyed in a deluge.   --T. Burnet.
         There are yet missing of your company Some few odd
         lads that you remember not.           --Shak.
4. Remaining over; unconnected; detached; fragmentary; hence,
   occasional; inconsiderable; as, odd jobs; odd minutes; odd
5. Different from what is usual or common; unusual; singular;
   peculiar; unique; strange. ``An odd action.'' --Shak. ``An
   odd expression.'' --Thackeray.
         The odd man, to perform all things perfectly, is, in
         my poor opinion, Joannes Sturmius.    --Ascham.
         Patients have sometimes coveted odd things.
         Locke's Essay would be a very odd book for a man to
         make himself master of, who would get a reputation
         by critical writings.                 --Spectator.
Syn: Quaint; unmatched; singular; unusual; extraordinary;
     strange; queer; eccentric, whimsical; fantastical;
     droll; comical. See {Quaint}.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abnormal, absolute, absurd, algorismic, algorithmic, aliquot, alone, anomalous, asymmetric, azygous, bereft of reason, brainsick, cardinal, casual, celibate, chance, contingent, contrasting, counter, crackbrained, cracked, crank, crankish, cranky, crazed, crazy, crotchety, curious, daft, decimal, deluded, demented, deprived of reason, deranged, deviant, deviative, different, differential, digital, disoriented, disparate, disproportionate, dissimilar, distraught, divergent, diverse, dotty, eccentric, erratic, even, exceptional, exponential, extra, fey, figural, figurate, figurative, finite, first and last, flaky, flighty, fluky, fortuitous, fractional, freaked out, freakish, freaky, funny, hallucinated, hardly like, idiocratic, idiosyncratic, ill-matched, ill-sorted, imaginary, impair, impossible, inadequate, incidental, infinite, insane, insufficient, integral, irrational, irregular, kinky, kooky, left, leftover, loco, logarithmic, logometric, lone, lunatic, mad, maddened, maggoty, manic, mazed, mental, mentally deficient, meshuggah, mismatched, moon-struck, negative, net, non compos, non compos mentis, nonuniform, not all there, not right, numeral, numerary, numerative, numeric, nutty, occasional, oddball, of unsound mind, off, off the wall, offbeat, one and only, only, only-begotten, ordinal, out, out of proportion, outlandish, out-of-the-way, outstanding, over, pair, part-time, passing strange, peculiar, positive, possible, prime, psycho, quaint, queer, quirky, radical, rational, real, reasonless, reciprocal, remaining, remanent, scarcely like, screwball, screwy, senseless, sick, side, single, singular, skew, skewed, sole, spare, stark-mad, stark-staring mad, strange, submultiple, superfluous, surd, surplus, surviving, tetched, to spare, touched, transcendental, twisted, unalike, unbalanced, unconsumed, unconventional, unearthly, unequal, uneven, unhinged, unidentical, unique, unlike, unmatched, unnatural, unpaired, unrepeated, unresembling, unsame, unsane, unsettled, unsimilar, unsound, unused, unusual, wacky, wandering, weird, whimsical, witless, wondrous strange