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Meaning of DIGEST

Pronunciation:  [n]'dIjest, [v]di'jest, 'dI`jest

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  something that is compiled (as into a single book or file)
  2. [n]  a periodical that summarizes the news
  3. [v]  arrange and integrate in the mind; "I cannot digest all this information"
  4. [v]  convert food into absorbable substances; "I cannot digest milk products"
 Synonyms: compilation
 See Also: apprehend, collection, compass, compendium, comprehend, consume, dig, get the picture, grasp, have, ingest, periodical, predigest, process, savvy, stomach, take, take in, treat



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Di*gest"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Digested}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Digesting}.] [L. digestus, p. p. of digerere to separate,
    arrange, dissolve, digest; di- = dis- + gerere to bear,
    carry, wear. See {Jest}.]
    1. To distribute or arrange methodically; to work over and
       classify; to reduce to portions for ready use or
       application; as, to digest the laws, etc.
             Joining them together and digesting them into order.
             We have cause to be glad that matters are so well
             digested.                             --Shak.
    2. (Physiol.) To separate (the food) in its passage through
       the alimentary canal into the nutritive and nonnutritive
       elements; to prepare, by the action of the digestive
       juices, for conversion into blood; to convert into chyme.
    3. To think over and arrange methodically in the mind; to
       reduce to a plan or method; to receive in the mind and
       consider carefully; to get an understanding of; to
             Feelingly digest the words you speak in prayer.
                                                   --Sir H.
             How shall this bosom multiplied digest The senate's
             courtesy?                             --Shak.
    4. To appropriate for strengthening and comfort.
             Grant that we may in such wise hear them [the
             Scriptures], read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest
             them.                                 --Book of
                                                   Common Prayer.
    5. Hence: To bear comfortably or patiently; to be reconciled
       to; to brook.
             I never can digest the loss of most of Origin's
             works.                                --Coleridge.
    6. (Chem.) To soften by heat and moisture; to expose to a
       gentle heat in a boiler or matrass, as a preparation for
       chemical operations.
    7. (Med.) To dispose to suppurate, or generate healthy pus,
       as an ulcer or wound.
    8. To ripen; to mature. [Obs.]
             Well-digested fruits.                 --Jer. Taylor.
    9. To quiet or abate, as anger or grief.
  2. \Di*gest"\, v. i.
    1. To undergo digestion; as, food digests well or ill.
    2. (Med.) To suppurate; to generate pus, as an ulcer.
  3. \Di"gest\, n. [L. digestum, pl. digesta, neut., fr.
    digestus, p. p.: cf. F. digeste. See {Digest}, v. t.]
    That which is digested; especially, that which is worked
    over, classified, and arranged under proper heads or titles;
    esp. (Law), A compilation of statutes or decisions
    analytically arranged. The term is applied in a general sense
    to the Pandects of Justinian (see {Pandect}), but is also
    specially given by authors to compilations of laws on
    particular topics; a summary of laws; as, Comyn's Digest; the
    United States Digest.
          A complete digest of Hindu and Mahommedan laws after
          the model of Justinian's celebrated Pandects. --Sir W.
          They made a sort of institute and digest of anarchy,
          called the Rights of Man.                --Burke.
Computing Dictionary

A periodical collection of messages which have been posted to a newsgroup or mailing list. A digest is prepared by a moderator who selects articles from the group or list, formats them and adds a contents list. The digest is then either mailed to an alternative mailing list or posted to an alternative newsgroup.

Some news readers and electronic mail programs provide commands to "undigestify" a digest, i.e. to split it up into individual articles which may then be read and saved or discarded separately.

Legal Dictionary
 Definition: An index or compilation of abstracts of reported cases into one, set forth under proper law topic headings or titles and usually in alphabetical arrangement.
 Definition: To cut DNA molecules with one or more restriction endonucleases.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abbreviate, abbreviation, abbreviature, abide, ablate, abrege, abridge, abridgement, abridgment, absorb, abstract, accept, adsorb, alphabetize, analyze, appreciate, apprehend, appropriate, arrange, assimilate, assort, be abstracted, be with one, bear, bleed white, blot, blot up, body of law, break down, brief, brood, brood over, brook, burn up, capitulary, capsule, catalog, catch, catch on, categorize, census, chemisorb, chemosorb, chew over, chew the cud, class, classify, code, Code Napoleon, code of laws, codification, codify, compend, comprehend, compress, con over, conceive, condensation, condense, condensed version, consider, conspectus, consume, contemplate, corpus juris, cut, debate, deliberate, deliberate over, deliberate upon, deplete, dig, digest of law, disregard, divide, down, draft, drain, drain of resources, drink, drink in, drink up, eat, eat up, endure, engross, epitome, epitomize, equity, erode, exhaust, expend, fathom, file, filter in, finish, finish off, follow, get, get hold of, get the drift, get the idea, get the picture, go, gobble, gobble up, grade, grasp, group, have, have it taped, head, ignore, imbibe, impoverish, index, infiltrate, ingest, introspect, inventory, ken, know, learn, list, master, meditate, meditate upon, metabolize, mull over, muse, muse on, muse over, Napoleonic code, nutshell, order, osmose, outline, overview, pandect, penal code, percolate in, perpend, pigeonhole, place, play around with, play with, pocket, pocket the affront, ponder, ponder over, precis, predigest, range, rank, rate, read, realize, reduce, reflect, reflect over, resume, review, revolve, rubric, ruminate, ruminate over, run over, savvy, seep in, seize, seize the meaning, sense, shorten, shortened version, skeleton, sketch, slurp up, soak in, soak up, sorb, sort, speculate, spend, sponge, squander, stand, stomach, study, subdivide, suck dry, sum, sum up, summarize, summary, summate, survey, survive, swallow, swallow an insult, swallow up, swill up, syllabus, synopsis, synopsize, table, table of organization, tabulate, take, take in, take up, think over, thumbnail sketch, tolerate, topical outline, toy with, turn aside provocation, turn over, type, understand, use up, waste away, wear away, weigh