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Pronunciation:  'kalkyu`leytid

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  determined by mathematical computation; "the calculated velocity of a bullet"; "a derived value"
  2. [adj]  carefully thought out in advance; "a calculated insult"; "with measured irony"
 Synonyms: calculable, deliberate, derived, measured, premeditated



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Cal"cu*la`ted\, p. p. & a.
1. Worked out by calculation; as calculated tables for
   computing interest; ascertained or conjectured as a result
   of calculation; as, the calculated place of a planet; the
   calculated velocity of a cannon ball.
2. Adapted by calculation, contrivance. or forethought to
   accomplish a purpose; as, to use arts calculated to
   deceive the people.
3. Likely to produce a certain effect, whether intended or
   not; fitted; adapted; suited.
         The only danger that attends multiplicity of
         publication is, that some of them may be calculated
         to injure rather than benefit society. --Goldsmith.
         The minister, on the other hand, had never gone
         through an experience calculated to lead him beyond
         the scope of generally received laws. --Hawthorne.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adapted, adjusted, advised, aimed, aimed at, arranged, blueprinted, charted, conscious, considered, contemplated, contrived, deliberate, deliberated, designed, devised, envisaged, envisioned, figured, fit, fitted, in the works, intended, intentional, knowing, meant, meditated, methodized, of design, on the agenda, on the anvil, on the calendar, on the carpet, on the docket, on the tapis, organized, planned, plotted, premeditated, prepared, projected, proposed, purposed, purposeful, purposive, rationalized, reasoned, scheduled, schematized, set, shaped, strategetic, strategic, studied, suited, sur le tapis, systematized, tactical, teleological, thought-out, voluntary, weighed, willful, witting, worked out