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Pronunciation:  `anti'seednt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the referent of an anaphor; a phrase or clause that is referred to by an anaphoric pronoun
  2. [n]  a preceding occurrence or cause or event
  3. [n]  someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote that a grandparent)
  4. [n]  anything that precedes something similar in time; "phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience"
  5. [adj]  preceding in time or order
 Synonyms: ancestor, anterior, anticipatory, ascendant, ascendent, forerunner, preceding, preexistent, prevenient, prior(a), root
 Antonyms: descendant, descendent, subsequent
 See Also: ancestress, cause, father, forbear, forebear, forefather, foremother, preceding(a), primogenitor, progenitor, referent, relation, relative, sire, temporal relation



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \An`te*ced"ent\, a. [L. antecedens, -entis, p. pr. of
    antecedere: cf. F. ant['e]c['e]dent.]
    1. Going before in time; prior; anterior; preceding; as, an
       event antecedent to the Deluge; an antecedent cause.
    2. Presumptive; as, an antecedent improbability.
    Syn: Prior; previous; foregoing.
  2. \An`te*ced"ent\, n. [Cf. F. ant['e]c['e]dent.]
    1. That which goes before in time; that which precedes.
             The Homeric mythology, as well as the Homeric
             language, has surely its antecedents. --Max Miller.
    2. One who precedes or goes in front. [Obs.]
             My antecedent, or my gentleman usher. --Massinger.
    3. pl. The earlier events of one's life; previous principles,
       conduct, course, history. --J. H. Newman.
             If the troops . . . prove worthy of their
             antecedents, the victory is surely ours. --Gen. G.
    4. (Gram.) The noun to which a relative refers; as, in the
       sentence ``Solomon was the prince who built the temple,''
       prince is the antecedent of who.
    5. (Logic)
       (a) The first or conditional part of a hypothetical
           proposition; as, If the earth is fixed, the sun must
       (b) The first of the two propositions which constitute an
           enthymeme or contracted syllogism; as, Every man is
           mortal; therefore the king must die.
    6. (Math.) The first of the two terms of a ratio; the first
       or third of the four terms of a proportion. In the ratio
       a:b, a is the antecedent, and b the consequent.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: agency, ancestor, ancestors, announcer, antecede, antecedents, antedate, anterior, anticipatory, ascendant, ascendants, avant-garde, base, basis, bellwether, buccinator, bushwhacker, call, causation, cause, cause and effect, chief, ci-devant, determinant, determinative, earlier, early, elder, elders, element, etiology, exordial, explorer, factor, fathers, first, fore, forebear, forebears, forefather, forefathers, foregoer, foregoing, foremost, forerun, forerunner, former, front runner, frontiersman, fugleman, grandfathers, grandparents, ground, groundbreaker, grounds, guide, harbinger, heading, headmost, herald, inaugural, initiatory, innovator, instrumentality, lead runner, leader, leading, means, messenger, occasion, older, pace, past, pathfinder, patriarchs, pioneer, point, precedent, preceding, precessional, precurrent, precursor, precursory, predate, predecessor, predecessors, preexistent, prefatory, preliminary, preludial, prelusive, premise, preparatory, prevenient, previous, prime, primogenitor, principle, prior, proemial, progenitor, progenitors, propaedeutic, prototype, reason, scout, senior, stimulus, stormy petrel, trailblazer, trailbreaker, vanguard, vaunt-courier, voortrekker