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Meaning of CURL

Pronunciation:  kurl

Video Dictionary
 Definition: A defect of a photographic film consisting of unflatness in a plane cutting across the width of the film. Curl may result from improper drying conditions, and the direction and amount of curl may vary with the humidity of the air to which the film is exposed.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: arc, arch, bend, bend back, bow, catacaustic, catenary, caustic, circle, cirrus, coil, conchoid, corkscrew, crimp, crisp, crook, curlicue, curve, decurve, deflect, diacaustic, dome, ellipse, embow, entwine, evolute, festoon, flex, frizz, frizzle, gyre, helix, hook, hump, hunch, hyperbola, incurvate, incurve, inflect, involute, kink, lituus, lock, loop, parabola, ponytail, recurve, reflect, reflex, retroflex, ringlet, roll, round, sag, screw, scroll, sinus, spiral, swag, sweep, swirl, tendril, tracery, turn, twine, twirl, twist, vault, volute, volution, vortex, whirl, whorl, wind, wreathe