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Meaning of THYROID

Pronunciation:  'thIroyd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  located near the base of the neck
  2. [adj]  suggestive of a thyroid disorder; "thyroid personality"
  3. [adj]  of or relating to the thyroid gland; "thyroid deficiency"; "thyroidal uptake"
 Synonyms: thyroid gland, thyroidal
 See Also: ductless gland, endocrine gland



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Thy"roid\, a. [Gr. ? shield-shaped; ? a large, oblong
shield (from ? a door) + ? form: cf. F. thyro["i]de,
1. Shaped like an oblong shield; shield-shaped; as, the
   thyroid cartilage.
2. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the thyroid body, thyroid
   cartilage, or thyroid artery; thyroideal.
{Thyroid cartilage}. See under {Larynx}.
{Thyroid body}, or {Thyroid gland} (Anat.), a glandlike but
   ductless body, or pair of bodies, of unknown function, in
   the floor of the mouth or the region of the larynx. In man
   and most mammals it is a highly vascular organ, partly
   surrounding the base of the larynx and the upper part of
   the trachea.
{Thyroid dislocation} (Surg.), dislocation of the thigh bone
   into the thyroid foramen.
{Thyroid foramen}, the obturator foramen.
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: A gland located near the windpipe (trachea) that produces thyroid hormone, which helps regulate growth and metabolism.
Biology Dictionary
 Definition: An endocrine gland found at the base of the neck which secretes many important hormones that regulate aspects of metabolism and mineral balance.