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Meaning of ORGANISM

Pronunciation:  'orgu`nizum

Matching Terms:  organisation, organise, organised, organiser, organismal, organismal density, organismic, Organist, Organista

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: A generic word for any living species, animal or plant.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aerobic organism, an existence, anaerobic organism, anatomy, architectonics, architecture, arrangement, autotrophic organism, being, body, build, building, composition, conformation, constitution, construction, creation, creature, critter, entelechy, entity, fabric, fabrication, fashion, fashioning, forging, form, format, formation, frame, genetic individual, getup, heterotrophic organism, individual, life, living being, living thing, make, makeup, making, manufacture, microbe, microorganism, mold, molding, monad, morphological individual, object, ont, organic being, organic structure, organization, pattern, patterning, person, persona, personality, physiological individual, physique, plan, production, setup, shape, shaping, something, soul, structure, structuring, tectonics, texture, thing, tissue, unit, virus, warp and woof, weave, web, zooid, zoon