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Pronunciation:  in'filtreyt

Matching Terms:  Infiltrating Cancer, infiltration, Infiltrative, infiltrator

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: Introduce medication, typically local anesthetic, into an area of tissue.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: absorb, adsorb, advance against, advance upon, assimilate, barge in, bathe, bear down upon, besprinkle, blot, blot up, break in, break in upon, breathe, brew, burst in, butt in, charge in, chemisorb, chemosorb, color, come between, counterattack, crash, crash in, crash the gates, creep in, crowd in, cut in, decoct, digest, douche, dredge, drench, drink, drink in, drink up, drive, drouk, dye, edge in, elbow in, encroach, engross, entincture, entrench, filter in, flank, flavor, flush, foist, foist in, gas, horn in, imbibe, imbrue, imbue, impinge, impose, impose on, impose upon, impregnate, infringe, infuse, inject, insinuate, instill, interfere, interlope, interpose, intervene, intrude, invade, irrupt, launch an attack, lave, leach, leak in, leaven, lixiviate, macerate, march against, march upon, mount an attack, obtrude, open an offensive, osmose, penetrate, percolate, percolate in, percolate into, permeate, pervade, press in, push, push in, put on, put upon, rinse, rush in, saturate, season, seep in, seethe, slink in, slip in, slurp up, smash in, sneak in, soak, soak in, soak up, sodden, sop, sorb, souse, sponge, squeeze in, steal in, steep, storm in, strike, suffuse, swill up, take in, take up, temper, throng in, thrust, thrust in, tincture, tinge, transfuse, trench, trespass, wash, waterlog, work in, worm, worm in