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Meaning of FUNGUS

Pronunciation:  'funggus

Matching Terms:  fungus family, fungus genus, fungus gnat, fungus kingdom, fungus order, funguslike

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: Organism of plant origin that lacks chlorophyll; some fungi cause disease.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adenovirus, aerobe, aerobic bacteria, amoeba, amphibian, anaerobe, anaerobic bacteria, angiosperm, annual, aquatic plant, bacillus, bacteria, bacterium, benign tumor, biennial, blast, blight, bread mold, bug, callosity, callus, cancer, canker, carcinoma, coccus, corn, cosmopolite, cutting, cyst, deciduous plant, dicot, dicotyledon, disease-producing microorganism, dry rot, echovirus, enterovirus, ephemeral, ergot, evergreen, excrescence, exotic, filterable virus, flowering plant, fungosity, gametophyte, germ, gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, green mold, growth, gymnosperm, hydrophyte, intumescence, malignant growth, metastatic tumor, microbe, microorganism, mildew, mold, mole, monocot, monocotyl, morbid growth, moth, moth and rust, mushroom, must, neoplasm, nevus, nonfilterable virus, nonmalignant tumor, outgrowth, pathogen, perennial, pest, picornavirus, plant, polycot, polycotyl, polycotyledon, protozoa, protozoon, proud flesh, puffball, reovirus, rhinovirus, rickettsia, rot, rust, sarcoma, seed plant, seedling, slime mold, smut, spermatophyte, spirillum, spirochete, spore, sporophyte, staphylococcus, streptococcus, thallophyte, tinea, toadstool, triennial, truffle, trypanosome, tuckahoe, tumor, vascular plant, vegetable, verruca, verticillium, vibrio, virus, wart, water mold, weed, wen, worm, yeast