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Meaning of CANCER

Pronunciation:  'kansur

Matching Terms:  cancel, cancel out, Cancelbunny, Cancelier, Cancellarean, cancellate, Cancellated, Cancellation, cancelled, Cancelli, cancellous, cancellous bone, cancellous tissue, Cancelm00se, Cancelmoose, Cancelpoodle, cancer body, Cancer borealis, cancer cell, cancer drug, Cancer Information Service, Cancer irroratus, cancer juice, Cancer magister, Cancer Net, cancer of the blood, cancer of the liver, Cancer of Unknown Primary Origin, Cancer the Crab, Cancer Trials, Cancer Vaccine, cancer weed, Cancerate, Canceration, Cancerite, cancerous, cancerous cachexia, cancerweed

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: abnormal cells that divide without control, which can invade nearby tissues or spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system to other parts of the body.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: benign tumor, blast, blight, callosity, callus, canker, carcinoma, corn, cyst, dry rot, excrescence, fungosity, fungus, growth, intumescence, malignant growth, metastatic tumor, mildew, mold, mole, morbid growth, moth, moth and rust, must, neoplasm, nevus, nonmalignant tumor, outgrowth, pest, proud flesh, rot, rust, sarcoma, smut, tumor, verruca, wart, wen, worm