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Meaning of BRUISE

Pronunciation:  brooz

Matching Terms:  bruised, bruiser, Bruisewort, bruising

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you have a bruise, represents stress and mounting pressure that you are dealing with in your waking life. It may also refer to a reawakening of old, family wounds. Alternatively, you need to accept the consequences of your actions. Consider the symbolism of the specific part of your body that is bruised.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abrasion, abuse, aggrieve, anguish, barb the dart, bash, batter, beat, beat up, black, black eye, black-and-blue mark, blemish, blotch, boo-boo, buffet, bump, bung, bung up, contuse, contusion, cut, cut up, damage, discolor, discoloration, discolorment, do violence to, do wrong by, do wrong to, ecchymosis, grieve, harm, hurt, hurt the feelings, ill-treat, ill-use, injure, injury, knock about, maltreat, manhandle, mark, mash, maul, mishandle, mistreat, molest, mouse, outrage, pain, pierce, pound, prick, pulp, rough, rough up, savage, scrape, scratch, shiner, spot, squash, stab, sting, thrash soundly, twist the knife, welt, wound