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Meaning of BONE

Pronunciation:  bown

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: living tissue that makes up the body's skeleton.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adamant, aitchbone, anklebone, anvil, backbone, bill, biscuit, bony, breastbone, brick, buck, calcaneus, cannon bone, carpal, cartilage, cement, chine, clavicle, coccyx, collarbone, con, concrete, contemplate, cracker, cranium, cubes, cuboid, diamond, dice, dig, drill, dust, elucubrate, examine, fibula, fish, flint, frogskin, funny bone, go over, granite, grind, hammer, heart of oak, hyoid bone, incus, iron, ivory, jawbone, kneecap, ligament, lucubrate, malleus, mandible, marble, maxilla, maxillary, metacarpal, metatarsal, mummy, nails, nasal bone, oak, occipital bone, osseous, ossicle, ossicular, ossiferous, ossified, osteal, parchment, patella, pelvis, peruse, phalanges, phalanx, plunge into, pore over, practice, pubis, rachidial, rachis, radius, read, regard studiously, restudy, review, rib, rock, sacrum, scaphoid, scapula, sesamoid bones, shinbone, shoulder blade, skin, skull, smacker, sphenoid, spinal column, spine, stapes, steel, sternum, stick, stirrup, stone, study, swot, talus, tarsus, temporal bone, tendon, thighbone, ulna, vertebra, vertebral column, vet, wade through, wishbone, wristbone, zygomatic bone