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Meaning of BLADDER

Pronunciation:  'bladur

Matching Terms:  bladder campion, bladder cherry, bladder disorder, bladder fern, bladder fucus, bladder ketmia, bladder senna, bladder sphincter, bladder stone, bladder worm, bladderlike, bladdernose, bladdernut family, bladderpod, Bladderwort, bladderwort family, bladderwrack, bladdery

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: a hollow organ that urine drains into from the kidneys.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: air bubble, bag, ball, balloon, bleb, blister, blob, blood blister, boll, bolus, bubble, bulb, bulbil, bulblet, bulla, cap and bells, coxcomb, ellipsoid, fever blister, fob, geoid, globe, globelet, globoid, globule, glomerulus, gob, gobbet, knob, knot, motley, oblate spheroid, orb, orbit, orblet, pellet, pocket, poke, prolate spheroid, rondure, sac, sack, slapstick, soap bubble, sock, sphere, spheroid, spherule, vesicle