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Meaning of ANGINA

Pronunciation:  an'jInu

Matching Terms:  angina pectoris, anginal, anginose, anginous

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: Chest pain, with sensation of impending death. Pain may radiate into jaw, ear lobes, between shoulder blades or down shoulder and arm on either side, most frequently the left side. Pain is caused by a temporary reduction in the amount of oxygen to the heart muscle through narrowed, diseased coronary arteries.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ache, aching, aortic insufficiency, aortic stenosis, apoplectic stroke, apoplexy, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, auricular fibrillation, backache, bellyache, beriberi heart, cardiac arrest, cardiac insufficiency, cardiac shock, cardiac stenosis, cardiac thrombosis, carditis, cephalalgia, colic, collywobbles, congenital heart disease, cor biloculare, cor juvenum, cor triatriatum, coronary, coronary insufficiency, coronary thrombosis, diastolic hypertension, earache, encased heart, endocarditis, extrasystole, fatty heart, fibroid heart, flask-shaped heart, fret, frosted heart, gnawing, gripe, gripes, gut-ache, hairy heart, headache, heart attack, heart block, heart condition, heart disease, heart failure, heartburn, hemicrania, high blood pressure, hypertension, hypertensive heart disease, ischemic heart disease, megrim, migraine, mitral insufficiency, mitral stenosis, myocardial infarction, myocardial insufficiency, myocarditis, myovascular insufficiency, odontalgia, otalgia, ox heart, palpitation, paralytic stroke, paroxysmal tachycardia, pericarditis, pile, premature beat, pseudoaortic insufficiency, pulmonary insufficiency, pulmonary stenosis, pyrosis, rheumatic heart disease, round heart, sclerosis, sick headache, splitting headache, stomachache, stony heart, stroke, tachycardia, throbbing pain, thrombosis, toothache, tricuspid insufficiency, tricuspid stenosis, turtle heart, varicose veins, varix, ventricular fibrillation