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Meaning of NEW

Pronunciation:  noo

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a new house in your dream indicates that you are taking on a new identify and developing new strengths. You are trying to be more emotionally mature about things. Seeing new shoes in your dream, suggests that you are overconfident in your success. Alternatively you may be on a life path that is unfamiliar to you. Dreaming that you are at a new school means that you are feeling out of place in some situation. Generally speaking, to dream about new things and new places corresponds to what is new in your waking life. You may be trying to learn and analyze what you already know from past experiences.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ab ovo, accessory, actual, added, additional, afresh, again, all the rage, all the thing, ancillary, anew, another, another time, as is, as new, authentic, auxiliary, avant-garde, being, bis, callow, collateral, contemporaneous, contemporary, contributory, creative, current, de novo, dewy, else, encore, evergreen, ever-new, existent, existing, extant, extra, farther, fashionable, firsthand, first-hand, fledgling, fresh, freshly, from scratch, further, green, held back, held in reserve, held out, hip, imaginative, immanent, immature, immediate, in abeyance, in fashion, in hand, in style, in vogue, independent, instant, intact, lately, latest, maiden, maidenly, mint, mod, modern, modernistic, more, neoteric, nestling, newfangled, newfashioned, new-fashioned, newly, novel, of late, once again, once more, original, other, over again, plus, popular, present, present-age, present-day, present-time, prevalent, primary, pristine, put aside, put by, raw, recent, recently, regenerated, reinvigorated, renewed, reserve, revived, revolutionary, running, saved, sempervirent, smart, spare, stored, strange, supernumerary, supplemental, supplementary, surplus, suspended, that be, that is, to spare, topical, trendy, ulterior, unaccustomed, unapplied, unbeaten, unconsumed, underived, undeveloped, unemployed, unexercised, unexpended, unfledged, unhandled, unique, unspent, untapped, untouched, untried, untrodden, unused, unutilized, up-to-date, up-to-datish, up-to-the-minute, vernal, virgin, virginal, waived, yet again, young