Meaning of LANDSLIDE
Pronunciation: | | 'land`slId
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing a landslide in your dream, represents emotions that you have been holding back for a long time. You are at the risk of emotional overload. Your emotions are erupting in an unexpected or violent way. The dream may also symbolize the stresses in your life and the responsibilities that rest on your shoulders. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abundance, affluence, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplitude, ascendancy, avalanche, bonanza, bountifulness, bountiousness, bumper crop, Cadmean victory, championship, coast, conquest, copiousness, count, deluge, easy victory, election returns, embarras de richesses, enough, extravagance, extravagancy, exuberance, fertility, flood, flow, foison, full measure, fullness, generosity, generousness, glide, glissade, glissando, grand slam, great abundance, great plenty, gush, inundation, knockout, KO, landslide victory, landslip, lavishness, liberality, liberalness, lots, luxuriance, mastery, maximum, money to burn, moral victory, more than enough, much, myriad, myriads, numerousness, official count, opulence, opulency, outpouring, overabundance, overaccumulation, overbounteousness, overcopiousness, overdose, overflow, overlavishness, overluxuriance, overmeasure, overmuchness, overnumerousness, overplentifulness, overplenty, overpopulation, overprofusion, oversufficiency, oversupply, picnic, plenitude, plenteousness, plentifulness, plenty, plethora, poll, prevalence, prodigality, productiveness, profuseness, profusion, pushover, Pyrrhic victory, quantities, recount, redundancy, repleteness, repletion, returns, rich harvest, rich vein, richness, riot, riotousness, runaway victory, scads, shower, sideslip, skid, slide, slip, slippage, slither, snowslide, snowslip, spate, stream, subdual, subduing, subsidence, substantiality, substantialness, success, superabundance, superflux, teemingness, tidal wave, total victory, triumph, victory, walkaway, walkover, wealth, win, winning, winning streak |