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Meaning of GORILLA

Pronunciation:  gu'rilu

Matching Terms:  gorilla arm, Gorilla gorilla, Gorilla gorilla beringei, Gorilla gorilla gorilla, Gorilla gorilla grauri

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a gorilla in your dream, suggests that you may be too "over the top" in your behavior. Perhaps you are compensating for your rigidity and stiffness in your waking life. Alternatively, the gorilla symbolizes your primitive impulses, wild nature and repressed sexual energy.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: angwantibo, Antaeus, anthropoid ape, apache, ape, assassin, assassinator, Atlas, aye-aye, baboon, Barbary ape, battler, beast, beldam, belligerent, belted knight, berserk, berserker, bickerer, blade, bloodletter, bloodshedder, bomber, bravo, brawler, Briareus, Brobdingnagian, bruiser, brute, bully, bullyboy, burker, butcher, button man, Cain, cannibal, capuchin, chacma, Charles Atlas, chimpanzee, colossus, combatant, competitor, contender, contestant, cutthroat, Cyclops, demon, desperado, devil, disputant, dragon, drill, duelist, enforcer, entellus, eradicator, executioner, exterminator, fencer, feuder, fiend, fighter, fighting cock, firebrand, fire-eater, foilsman, fury, gamecock, garroter, giant, gibbon, gladiator, Goliath, goon, guenon, guereza, gun, gunman, gunsel, hanuman, hardnose, hatchet man, head-hunter, hellcat, hellhound, hellion, hell-raiser, Hercules, hit man, holy terror, homicidal maniac, homicide, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, hothead, hotspur, incendiary, jouster, killer, knight, langur, lemur, macaque, mad dog, madcap, Mafioso, man, mandrill, man-eater, man-killer, manslayer, marmoset, massacrer, matador, militant, monster, mountain gorilla, mug, mugger, murderer, muscle man, orang, orangutan, pesticide, plug-ugly, poison, poisoner, Polyphemus, powerhouse, proboscis monkey, quarreler, rapist, revolutionary, rhesus, rioter, rival, rodman, rough, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, sabreur, saki, Samson, savage, scrapper, scuffler, she-wolf, slaughterer, slayer, spitfire, squabbler, stalwart, strangler, strong arm, strong man, strong-arm man, strong-armer, struggler, Superman, swashbuckler, sword, swordplayer, swordsman, Tarzan, termagant, terror, terrorist, the mighty, the strong, thug, tiger, tigress, tilter, Titan, torpedo, tough, tough guy, tower of strength, trigger man, tussler, ugly customer, violent, virago, vixen, wild beast, witch, wolf, wrangler, Young Turk