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Meaning of GALAXY

Pronunciation:  'galuksee

Matching Terms:  galax, Galax urceolata

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing the galaxy in your dream, represents your creativity. It also means that you are looking at the broader picture and are more aware of your surroundings.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: army, barred spiral, barred spiral galaxy, big name, celebrity, cluster, cohue, constellation, cosmic noise, crowd, crush, cynosure, deluge, figure, flock, flood, folk hero, galactic circle, galactic cluster, galactic coordinates, galactic latitude, galactic longitude, galactic nebula, galactic noise, galactic pole, great man, heap, hero, heroine, horde, host, idol, immortal, important person, island universe, jam, legion, lion, luminaries, luminary, man of mark, mass, master spirit, Milky Way, mob, multitude, name, notability, notable, panoply, person of note, personage, pleiad, pop hero, popular hero, popular idol, press, public figure, rabble, rout, ruck, social lion, somebody, spate, spheroidal galaxy, spiral, spiral galaxy, spiral nebula, star, supergalaxy, superstar, throng, Via Lactea, worthy