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Meaning of DRILL

Pronunciation:  dril

Matching Terms:  drill bit, drill hole, drill in, drill instructor, drill master, Drill press, drill rig, drill rod, drill site, drill steel, drilled, Driller, drilling, drilling bit, drilling fluid, drilling mud, drilling pipe, drilling platform, drilling rig, Drillmaster, Drillstock, Drily

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a drill in your dream indicates that you are headed toward a new direction in life. You are opening yourself up to new experiences and insights.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accustom, aculeus, acumination, application, apprentice, apprenticeship, athletics, auger, basic training, bed, bit, bite, bone, boning, bore, bore bit, borer, brace and bit, brainwork, break, break in, breaking, breast auger, breast drill, breather, breed, breeding, bring up, broach, broadcast, burr, burrow, calisthenics, chamfer bit, coach, common practice, con, condition, conditioning, conning, constitutional, contemplate, contemplation, corkscrew, countersink, cram, cramming, cross bit, cultivate, cultivation, cusp, daily dozen, deepen, delve, depress, develop, development, diamond drill, dibble, dig, dig out, dike, discipline, disseminate, dive, dredge, drill press, drilling, drive, elucubrate, empierce, engrossment, examine, excavate, exercise, exercising, extensive study, fetch up, fetching-up, fit, fix, forest, form, foster, fostering, furrow, gimlet, go over, gore, gouge, gouge out, grind, grinding, groom, grooming, groove, grub, gymnastic exercises, gymnastics, habituate, hand drill, headwork, hole, honeycomb, housebreak, housebreaking, house-train, impale, implant, improve, improvement, indoctrinate, inseminate, in-service training, inspection, instruct, isometrics, keyway drill, lance, lick into shape, lower, lucubrate, lucubration, manual training, matter of course, mental labor, military training, mine, mucro, neb, needle, nib, nurse, nurture, nurturing, on-the-job training, penetrate, perforate, perusal, peruse, physical education, physical jerks, pierce, pink, plant, plunge into, point, pore over, portable drill, posthole auger, pot, power drill, practice, preparation, prepare, prescribed form, prick, prickle, procedure, pump drill, punch, puncture, put in, put in tune, put to school, quarry, raise, raising, ratchet drill, read, reading, ready, readying, ream, ream out, reamer, rear, rearing, reforest, regard studiously, rehearsal, rehearse, repetition, reset, restudy, restudying, retimber, review, riddle, rotary drill, rule, run through, sap, scatter seed, school, scoop, scoop out, scrabble, scrape, scratch, seed, seed down, seminate, send to school, set, set form, setting-up exercises, shovel, sink, skewer, sloyd, SOP, sow, sow broadcast, spade, spear, spike, spit, stab, standard operating procedure, standing orders, star drill, stick, sting, strap drill, stretch, study, studying, subject, swot, swotting, take in hand, tap, teach, tip, train, training, transfix, transpierce, transplant, trench, trepan, trephine, trough, tunnel, tutor, twist bit, twist drill, upbringing, vet, vocational education, vocational training, wade through, wide reading, wimble, workout, yoga