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Meaning of CHEW

Pronunciation:  choo

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are chewing something, suggests that you are sorting things out and carefully thinking it over.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: bawl out, bite, bolus, bullshit, carpet, cavendish, chain-smoke, champ, chat, chaw, chew ass, chew out, chew over, chew the cud, chew up, chewing tobacco, chomp, chump, consider, consume, converse, crunch, crush, cud, cuss out, cut plug, devour, drag, draw, eat, eating tobacco, fid, give a going-over, give hail Columbia, give hell, give the deuce, give what-for, gnash, gnaw, gob, gossip, grind, gum, inhale, inhale snuff, jack up, jaw, lambaste, macerate, mash, masticate, morsel, mouth, mouthful, mumble, munch, navy, navy plug, nibble, nip, palaver, pigtail, ponder, puff, pull, pulp, pulpify, quid, ream, ream ass, ream out, rebuke, reprimand, review, revile, ruminate, scold, scrunch, sit on, smash, smoke, snap, squash, swallow, take snuff, talk, tell off, tobacco juice, tongue-lash, twist, vituperate, wig