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Meaning of INHALE

Pronunciation:  in'heyl

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  draw in (air); "Inhale deeply"; "inhale the fresh mountain air"; "The patient has trouble inspiring"; "The lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well"
  2. [v]  draw deep into the lungs in by breathing; "Clinton smoked marijuana but never inhaled"
 Synonyms: breathe in, inspire
 Antonyms: breathe out, exhale, expire
 See Also: aspirate, breathe, drag, draw, huff, puff, respire, smoke, sniff, sniffle, snivel, snort, snuff, snuffle, suspire, take a breath



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\In*hale"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Inhaled}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Inhaling}.] [L. inhalare to breathe upon; pref. in- in +
halare to breathe: cf. F. inhaler. Cf. {Exhale}.]
To breathe or draw into the lungs; to inspire; as, to inhale
air; -- opposed to {exhale}.
      Martin was walking forth to inhale the fresh breeze of
      the evening.                             --Arbuthnot.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aspirate, blow, breathe, breathe hard, breathe in, breathe out, chain-smoke, chaw, chew, cough, drag, draw, draw in, exhale, exhaust, expel, expire, gasp, gulp, hack, hiccup, huff, inhale snuff, inspire, nose, pant, puff, pull, respire, scent, sigh, slurp, smell, smell of, smoke, sneeze, sniff, sniffle, snore, snort, snuff, snuff in, snuffle, suck, suck in, suckle, take snuff, wheeze, whiff