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Meaning of BULLET

Pronunciation:  'bûlit

Matching Terms:  Bulled, Bullen-bullen, Bullen-nail, bullet hole, bullethead, bullet-headed, bulletin, bulletin board, bulletin board system, bulletproof, Bullet-proof, bulletproof vest

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of a bullet or bullets indicates anger and aggression directed at you or someone else. You need to be cautious on what you say and do. Your actions and words may easily be misinterpreted. Dreaming of being hit by a bullet, suggests that you need to persevere and endure the difficult times.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: alpha decay, atom-chipping, atomic disintegration, atomic reaction, atomization, atom-smashing, ball, bar shot, barrel, beta decay, bird shot, bombardment, bowshot, breeding, bucket, buckshot, cannon, cannon shot, cannonball, case shot, chain reaction, cleavage, crossbar shot, detonation, discharge, disintegration series, dissociation, duck shot, dumdum bullet, ejection, exchange reaction, expanding bullet, fission, fission reaction, fleet, fly, fusillade, gamma decay, grape, grapeshot, gun, gunfire, gunshot, highball, hotfoot, ionization, langrel shot, manstopping bullet, neutron reaction, nonreversible reaction, nuclear fission, nucleization, pellet, photodisintegration, potshot, proton gun, proton reaction, reversible reaction, rifle ball, rocket, round shot, salvo, shell, shot, shrapnel, slug, split shot, splitting the atom, spray, stimulation, stoneshot, target, tattoo, thermonuclear reaction, volley, whiz, zip