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Meaning of BANDAGE

Pronunciation:  'bandij

Matching Terms:  bandaged, bandaging

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you have bandages indicates your need to heal. You may be feeling emotionally wounded and are trying to cover/shield your hurt from others. Consider where on the body was the bandage for more additional clues.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: Ace bandage, adhesive tape, application, band, bandaging, Band-Aid, bathe, batten, bedazzle, belt, bend, benight, bind, bind up, binder, binding, blind, blind the eyes, blindfold, brace, bundle, care for, cast, cataplasm, cellophane tape, chain, cinch, cloth tape, compress, cotton, court plaster, cravat, cure, darken, daze, dazzle, deprive of sight, diagnose, dim, do up, doctor, dress, dressing, dust jacket, eclipse, elastic bandage, envelope, envelopment, epithem, excecate, fascia, fillet, flux, four-tailed bandage, friction tape, gauze, gift wrapping, gird, girdle, girt, girth, give care to, glare, gouge, heal, hoodwink, jacket, lace, lash, lath, leash, ligula, ligule, lint, list, make blind, masking tape, massage, minister to, Mystik tape, nurse, obscure, operate on, physic, plank, plaster, plaster cast, plastic tape, pledget, poultice, purge, remedy, ribband, ribbon, roller, roller bandage, rope, rub, rubber bandage, Scotch tape, shred, slat, sling, slip, snow-blind, spill, splice, spline, splint, sponge, strake, strap, strike blind, strip, strop, stupe, swaddle, swathe, taenia, tampon, tape, tape measure, tapeline, tent, ticker tape, tie, tie up, tourniquet, treat, triangular bandage, truss, wire, wrap, wrap up, wrapper, wrapping