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Meaning of SPUD

Pronunciation:  spud

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a sharp hand shovel for digging out roots and weeds
  2. [n]  an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland
  3. [v]  produce buds, branches, or germinate; of plants
 Synonyms: bourgeon, burgeon forth, germinate, Irish potato, murphy, potato, pullulate, shoot, sprout, stump spud, tater, white potato
 See Also: baked potato, french fries, french-fried potatoes, fries, grow, hand shovel, jacket, mashed potato, root vegetable, solanaceous vegetable, Solanum tuberosum, Uruguay potato, white potato vine



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Spud\, n.
    A potato. [Colloq.]
  2. \Spud\, n. [Cf. Dan. spyd a spear.]
    1. A sharp, narrow spade, usually with a long handle, used by
       farmers for digging up large-rooted weeds; a similarly
       shaped implement used for various purposes.
             My spud these nettles from the stone can part.
    2. A dagger. [Obs.] --olland.
    3. Anything short and thick; specifically, a piece of dough
       boiled in fat. [Local, U.S.]