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Pronunciation:  `sekun'hand

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adv]  by indirect means; "I heard about it only secondhand or thirdhand"; "he prefers to buy secondhand"
  2. [adj]  previously used or owned by another; "bought a secondhand (or used) car"
  3. [adj]  derived from what is primary or original; not firsthand; "a secondhand report"; "a secondhand account of a memory of something once read"; "most of our knowledge is secondhand"
 Synonyms: old, secondary, used



Products Dictionary

Second Hand
Richard happily haunts the thrift shops of Detroit for 1950s ephemera to sell at his store, Satori Junk. Then his mother dies, and he must deal with the detritus of her life--a collection of, basically, junk. Not long after, he falls in love with a complicated woman who shares his passion for castoffs but wreaks havoc with his emotions. It`s not until he travels to Mexico, where the Day of the Dead celebrations are in full force, that--and after a long struggle--he finally learns some useful lessons about what`s important in life and what can be discarded.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Sec"ond*hand`\, a.
1. Not original or primary; received from another.
         They have but a secondhand or implicit knowledge.
2. Not new; already or previously or used by another; as, a
   secondhand book, garment.
{At second hand}. See {Hand}, n., 10.