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Meaning of RUSHMORE

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota; site of the likenesses of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln and Roosevelt carved on it
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 Synonyms: Mount Rushmore, Mt. Rushmore
 See Also: Black Hills, Coyote State, Mount Rushmore State, mountain peak, SD, South Dakota



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Rushmore is the second work from the team of Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson following the success of their debut screenplay and film Bottle Rocket. It is a refreshingly offbeat comedy about young Max Fish, a precocious pupil at a conservative private school. He is a live wire, a teenager full of madcap entrepreneurial schemes that usually end in failure. His personal life becomes similarly complicated when he falls for his elegant teacher, Rosemary Cross, and finds himself vying for her favor with Herman Blume-who is portrayed in the film by Bill Murray-the wealthy father of two of his classmates. Max ultimately proves himself a figure of some tenacity as he negotiates the minefield of love, desire, and adolescence. At the Toronto Film Festival, Screen International called Rushmore a real charmer filled with surprise twists and emotions that avoid sentimentality . . . A little gem.

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