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Meaning of POP OUT

Pronunciation:  pâp awt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  appear suddenly; "Spring popped up everywhere in the valley"
  2. [v]  exit briefly; "He popped out for a quick coffee break"
  3. [v]  bulge outward; "His eyes popped"
  4. [v]  come forth or out; "You stick the coins in, but they come out again"; "His hair and teeth fell out"
 Synonyms: all out, bug out, bulge, bulge out, burst out, come out, pop, protrude
 Antonyms: pop in
 See Also: appear, change form, change shape, come forth, deform, egress, emerge, exit, get out, go forth, go out, issue, leave



Products Dictionary

Pop Out
Andy Warhol was queer in more ways than one. A fabulous queen, a fan of prurience and pornography, a great admirer of the male body, he was well known to the gay audiences who enjoyed his films, the police who censored them, the gallery owners who refused to show his male nudes, and the artists who shied away from his swishiness. These essays consider Warhol in various contexts and within the history of the communities in which he figured. 53 illustrations.

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