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Meaning of PHONOLOGY

Pronunciation:  fu'nâlujee

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the study of the sound system of a given language and the analysis and classification of its phonemes
 Synonyms: phonemics
 See Also: descriptive linguistics, synchronic linguistics



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Pho*nol"o*gy\, n. [Phono- + -logy.]
The science or doctrine of the elementary sounds uttered by
the human voice in speech, including the various
distinctions, modifications, and combinations of tones;
phonetics. Also, a treatise on sounds.
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: study of speech sounds.
 Definition: the sound system of a language.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ablaut, acoustic phonetics, articulatory phonetics, betacism, bowwow theory, comparative linguistics, derivation, descriptive grammar, descriptive linguistics, dialectology, dingdong theory, etymology, generative grammar, glossematics, glossology, glottochronology, glottology, gradation, grammar, grammatical analysis, grammatical theory, grammaticality, graphemics, historical linguistics, language study, lexicology, lexicostatistics, linguistic geography, linguistic science, linguistics, mathematical linguistics, morphology, morphophonemics, mutation, orthoepy, paleography, parsing, philology, phonetics, phrase-structure grammar, psycholinguistics, rhotacism, rules of language, school grammar, semantics, sociolinguistics, sound shift, stratificational grammar, structural grammar, structuralism, syntactics, tagmemic analysis, traditional grammar, transformational grammar, transformational linguistics, umlaut