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MUSHROOM CLOUD: Dictionary Entry and Meaning

Pronunciation:  'mushroom klawd

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb)
 Synonyms: mushroom, mushroom-shaped cloud
 See Also: cloud



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: A-blast, A-bomb shelter, airborne radioactivity, alto-cumulus, alto-stratus, anvil cloud, atom blast, banner cloud, billowy cloud, blast wave, cap cloud, cirro-cumulus, cirro-fillum, cirro-nebula, cirro-stratus, cirro-velum, cirrus, cirrus cloud, cirrus haze, cirrus stripe, cloud, cloud band, cloud bank, cloud drift, cloud mass, cloud street, Cloudcuckooland, cloudland, cloudling, cloudscape, cocktail, cottony cloud, cumulo-cirro-stratus, cumulo-cirrus, cumulo-nimbus, cumulo-stratus, cumulus, cumulus cloud, curl cloud, dust cloud, fallout, fallout shelter, fission particles, flash burn, fleecy cloud, fractocumulus, ground zero, H-blast, high fog, hydrogen blast, Mach front, mackerel sky, mammatocumulus, nimbus, nimbus cloud, radioactive dust, rain cloud, scud, snail cloud, squall cloud, storm cloud, strato-cumulus, stratus, stratus cloud, thundercloud, thunderhead, water carrier, woolpack