Meaning of MOON-STRUCK
Products Dictionary |
| Definition: | |  Moonstruck Jeff Murray is an award-winning journalist who was the first with many outdoor stories -- mule deer/whitetail hybridization, decoying deer, tracking bucks, whitetail vocalization -- but he ranks his discoveries on deer and the moon as the most exciting. In addition to his duties as state editor for Outdoor Life and whitetail science columnist for Bowhunting World, Murray serves as a field editor for In-Fisherman publications and a feature columnist for North American Fisherman. more details ... |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abnormal, bereft of reason, brainsick, crackbrained, cracked, crazed, crazy, daft, deluded, demented, deprived of reason, deranged, disoriented, distraught, flighty, hallucinated, insane, irrational, loco, lunatic, mad, maddened, manic, mazed, mental, mentally deficient, meshuggah, non compos, non compos mentis, not all there, not right, odd, of unsound mind, off, psycho, queer, reasonless, senseless, sick, stark-mad, stark-staring mad, strange, tetched, touched, unbalanced, unhinged, unsane, unsettled, unsound, wandering, witless |