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Meaning of LIBRA

Pronunciation:  'lIbru

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the seventh sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about September 23 to October 22
  2. [n]  a small faint zodiacal constellation in the southern hemisphere; between Virgo and Scorpius
  3. [n]  (astrology) a person who is born while the sun in in Libra
 Synonyms: Balance, Balance, Libra the Balance, Libra the Scales
 See Also: constellation, house, human, individual, mansion, mortal, person, planetary house, sign, sign of the zodiac, somebody, someone, soul, star sign, zodiac



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DeLillo puts his own memorable spin on the Kennedy assassination, bringing to life with plausibility and wit all the major characters in the unsolved drama. A work of imagination, according to DeLillo, the novel presents Lee Harvey Oswald as an intensely realized, highly conflicted character who is recruited not to kill the president but to make an unsuccessful assassination attempt that will ultimately be blamed on Castro.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Li"bra\ (l[imac]"br[.a]), n.; pl. {Libr[ae]}
(l[imac]"br[=e]). [L., a balance.] (Astron.)
(a) The Balance; the seventh sign in the zodiac, which the
    sun enters at the autumnal equinox in September, marked
    thus [libra] in almanacs, etc.
(b ) A southern constellation between Virgo and Scorpio.