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HOMEL: Dictionary Entry and Meaning

Matching Terms:  home, home appliance, home away from home, home base, Home blood glucose monitoring, home box, home brew, home buyer, Home Counties, home court, home economics, home equity credit, home equity loan, home folks, home from home, home game, home guard, home help, home in, Home Loan Bank, home machine, home movie, home office, home page, Home Phoneline Networking Alliance, home plate, home range, home reserve, home rule, home run, Home Secretary, home territory, home truth, home(a), home-baked, homebody, Homeborn, homebound, Home-bound, homeboy, Home-bred, home-brewed, homebuilder, homecoming, Home-coming, homecourt advantage, home-cured, Home-driven, Home-dwelling, home-farm, Home-felt, Homefield, homefolk, homegirl, homegrown, Home-keeping, homeland, Homeless, homeless person, homelessness, homelike, Homelily, Homeliness, Homeling, home-loving, homely, Homelyn, Homemade, homemaker, homemaking, homeo, Homeobox, homeodomain, homeogenetic induction, homeopath, homeopathic, Homeopathic Remedies, Homeopathically, Homeopathist, homeopathy, homeostasis, homeostatic, homeostatically, Homeostatis, homeotherm, homeothermic, homeotic gene, homeotic mutation, homeotic selector genes, homeowner, HomePNA, homer, Homer A. Thompson, Homer Armstrong Thompson, Homer Thompson, Homeric, homesick, homesickness, Home-speaking, homespun, homespun fabric, homespun(p), Homestall, homestead, homestead law, homesteader, homestretch, home-style, hometown, Homeward, homeward-bound, homewards, homework, homework problem, homey

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  industrial city of Belarus southeast of Minsk
 Synonyms: Gomel
 See Also: city, metropolis, urban center