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Meaning of HEPATITIS B

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  an acute (sometimes fatal) form of viral hepatitis caused by a DNA virus that tends to persist in the blood serum and is transmitted by sexual contact or by transfusion or by ingestion of contaminated blood or other bodily fluids
 Synonyms: serum hepatitis
 See Also: viral hepatitis



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Hepatitis B
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Medical Dictionary
 Definition: A type of hepatitis that is carried and passed to others through the blood or sexual contact.
Biology Dictionary
 Definition: This disease is caused by DNA viruses in the family Hepadnaviridae and is much more serious than hepatitis A. Hepatitis B has a long incubation period (around three months) and can cause severe liver damage and even death. It is typically spread by blood or body fluid contact, such as through hypodermic needles or sexual intercourse. A type of liver cancer, hepatoma, can follow a bout with H-B.