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Meaning of GRIST

Pronunciation:  grist

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  grain intended to be or that has been ground
 See Also: cereal, food grain, grain



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Grist\, n. [AS. grist, fr. grindan. See {Grind}.]
1. Ground corn; that which is ground at one time; as much
   grain as is carried to the mill at one time, or the meal
   it produces.
         Get grist to the mill to have plenty in store.
                                               --Tusser. Q.
2. Supply; provision. --Swift.
3. In rope making, a given size of rope, common grist being a
   rope three inches in circumference, with twenty yarns in
   each of the three strands. --Knight.
{All is grist that comes to his mill}, all that he has
   anything to do with is a source of profit. [Colloq.]
{To bring grist to the maill}, to bring profitable business
   into one's hands; to be a source of profit. [Colloq.]