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WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  test of the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates; used in the diagnosis of hypoglycemia and diabetes mellitus
 See Also: diagnostic assay, diagnostic test, test



Medical Dictionary
 Definition: A blood test used to make the diagnosis of diabetes, including gestational diabetes. The test is given in a lab or doctor's office in the morning before the person has eaten. A first sample of blood is taken from the person. Then the person drinks a liquid containing 100 grams of glucose (sugar) in it. After one hour, a second blood sample is drawn, and, after another hour, a third sample is taken. The object is to see how well the body deals with the glucose in the blood over time.
Biology Dictionary
  1. A test to see if a person has diabetes. The test is given in a lab or doctor's office in the morning before the person has eaten. A first sample of blood is taken from the person. Then the person drinks a liquid that has glucose in it. After one hour, a second blood sample is drawn, and, after another hour, a third sample is taken. The object is to see how well the body deals with the glucose in the blood over time.
  2. A test used to find out how well a normal liver can absorb and store large amounts of the sugar glucose. The test is given either orally (through the mouth) or intravenously (injected directly into the blood stream).
  3. This involves giving a standard oral glucose load (e.g. 75g) to a patient who has been fasting overnight. Blood levels of glucose are measured at intervals up to 2 to 5 hours. Lack of standards for the diagnostic criteria makes it difficult to interprete the results of this test.