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Meaning of FURIOUSLY

Pronunciation:  'fyûreeuslee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adv]  (of the elements) in a wild and stormy manner; "winds were blowing furiously"
  2. [adv]  in an impassioned or very angry manner; "she screamed furiously at her tormentors"
  3. [adv]  in a manner marked by extreme or violent energy; "the boys fought furiously"; "she went peddling furiously up the narrow street"
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: a corps perdu, all to pieces, amain, angrily, apace, at once, by forced marches, carelessly, cursorily, deliriously, demonically, desperately, distractedly, expeditiously, fanatically, feverishly, fiercely, frantically, frenetically, frenziedly, hand over fist, happen what may, hastily, head over heels, headfirst, headforemost, headlong, heatedly, heedlessly, heels over head, helter-skelter, holus-bolus, hotfoot, hotheadedly, hotly, hurriedly, hurry-scurry, immediately, impetuously, in anger, in hot blood, in passing, indignantly, infuriatedly, infuriately, insensately, instantly, irately, like blazes, like crazy, like fury, like mad, like one possessed, madly, mindlessly, on the run, overeagerly, overenthusiastically, overzealously, pell-mell, precipitantly, precipitately, precipitously, promptly, quickly, rabidly, ramble-scramble, recklessly, rigorously, riotously, severely, slam-bang, slap-bang, slapdash, speedily, stormily, superficially, swiftly, tempestuously, troublously, turbulently, uncontrollably, uproariously, vehemently, venomously, violently, virulently, wantonly, wildly, with a rush, with a vengeance, with all haste, with dispatch, with haste