CONTEK: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
Matching Terms: | | Conte, Conte Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta, Conte Alessandro Volta, Contection, contemn, Contemner, Contemningly, Contemper, Contemperate, Contemperation, Contemperature, Contemplance, Contemplant, Contemplate, contemplation, Contemplatist, Contemplative, Contemplatively, contemplativeness, Contemplator, contemporaneity, contemporaneous, Contemporaneously, contemporaneousness, contemporaries, Contemporariness, contemporary, contemporary world, contemporise, contemporize, Contempt, contempt of Congress, Contempt of court, contemptibility, Contemptible, Contemptibleness, Contemptibly, contemptuous, Contemptuously, Contemptuousness, Contend, Contendent, Contender, contending, Contendress, Contenement, Content, content addressable memory, Content Data Model, content word, content(p), Contentation, content-based information retrieval, Contented, contentedly, contentedness, content-free, Contentful, contention, contention slot, contentious, contentiousness, Contentless, Contently, Contentment, Contents, Conterminable, Conterminal, Conterminant, Conterminate, conterminous, Conterranean, Contertionist, Contesseration, Contest, Contestable, Contestant, Contestation, contested, contestee, contester, Contestingly, Contex, Context, context clash, context of use, context switch, context-free, context-sensitive menu, contextual, contextual definition, contextual seriation, contextually, Contextually Communicating Sequential Processes, Contextural, Contexture, Contextured
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | | \Con"tek\ (k[o^]n"t[e^]k), n. [OE. conteck, conteke,
contake, perh. a corruption either of contact or contest.]
1. Quarrel; contention; contest. [Obs.]
Contek with bloody knife. --Chaucer.
2. Contumely; reproach. [Obs.] --Wyclif.