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Meaning of CONJOINT

Pronunciation:  kun'joynt

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [adj]  consisting of two or more associated entities; "the interplay of these conjoined yet opposed factors"; "social order and prosperity, the conjoint aims of government"- J.K.Fairbank
 Synonyms: conjoined, joint



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Con*joint"\, a. [F. conjoint, p. p. of conjoindre. See
{Conjoin}, and cf. {Conjunct}.]
United; connected; associated. ``Influence conjoint.''
{Conjoint degrees} (Mus.), two notes which follow each other
   immediately in the order of the scale, as ut and re.
{Conjoint tetrachords} (Mus.), two tetrachords or fourths,
   where the same note is the highest of one and the lowest
   of the other; -- also written {conjunct}.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accessory, accompanying, accordant, agreeing, amalgamated, assimilated, associate, associated, at one with, attendant, attending, blended, coacting, coactive, coadunate, coefficient, coincident, collaborative, collateral, collective, collectivistic, collusive, combinative, combinatory, combined, combining, common, communal, communistic, commutual, compact, comprehensive, concerted, concomitant, concordant, concurrent, concurring, conjugate, conjunct, conjunctive, connective, consilient, consolidated, conspiratorial, cooperant, cooperative, coordinate, corporate, correlative, coupled, coworking, eclectic, fellow, fused, general, harmonious, in common, inclusive, incorporated, integrated, joined, joint, meeting, merged, mixed, mutual, one, paired, parallel, parasitic, popular, public, reciprocal, respective, saprophytic, shared, simultaneous, social, socialistic, societal, symbiotic, synchronous, syncretistic, syncretized, synergetic, synergic, synergistic, synthesized, twin, two-way, united, uniting