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Meaning of CONDOM

Pronunciation:  'kândum

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  contraceptive device consisting of a thin rubber or latex sheath worn over the penis during intercourse
 Synonyms: prophylactic, rubber, safe, safety
 See Also: birth control device, contraceptive, contraceptive device, preventative, preventive, prophylactic device



Computing Dictionary

1. The protective plastic bag that accompanies 3.5-inch microfloppy diskettes. Rarely, also used of (paper) disk envelopes. Unlike the write protect tab, the condom (when left on) not only impedes the practice of SEX but has also been shown to have a high failure rate as drive mechanisms attempt to access the disk - and can even fatally frustrate insertion.

2. The protective cladding on a light pipe.

3. "keyboard condom": A flexible, transparent plastic cover for a keyboard, designed to provide some protection against dust and programming fluid without impeding typing.

4. "elephant condom": the plastic shipping bags used inside cardboard boxes to protect hardware in transit.

[Jargon File]

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: A sheath that fits over an erect penis to catch semen during ejaculation.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a wrapped condom in your dream, represents your one-sided viewpoints and not allowing others to voice their opinions. It also symbolizes sexual possibilities. Seeing an unwrapped condom in your dream indicates sexual frustration. Additionally, it may also indicate that you are experiencing some anxiety about pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. Dreaming that you or your partner is wearing a condom, suggests that you feel emotionally protected.
Biology Dictionary
 Definition: This birth control device is a latex (rubber) sleeve that fits snugly over the penis and is used to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections such as AIDS, hepatitis, HPV, gonorrhea, herpes and chlamydia.

This method of birth control is easy-to-use and relatively inexpensive. Condoms are especially effective when they are used in conjunction with spermicides (creams or jellies that contain chemicals that kill sperm and some disease-causing microorganisms). When properly used, condoms provide a high rate of protection (96% effectiveness) against pregnancy. Heat (such as from storing a condom in a glove compartment on a hot day) and oil-based lubricants can weaken the rubber in condoms and cause them to break.

While the vast majority of condoms are latex, some are made from animal membranes; membrane condoms are not effective in preventing the transmission of diseases because viruses and bacteria can pass through microscopic pores in the membrane.
