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Meaning of CELIBACY

Pronunciation:  'selubusee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  abstaining from sexual relations
  2. [n]  an unmarried status (as because of religious vows)
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 Synonyms: chastity, sexual abstention
 See Also: abstinence, condition, status



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ce*lib"a*cy\, n. [See {Celibate}, n.]
The state of being unmarried; single life, esp. that of a
bachelor, or of one bound by vows not to marry. ``The
celibacy of the clergy.'' --Hallom.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are celibate, represents your fears of intimacy. You may be trying to block off your sexual energies.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abstainment, abstemiousness, abstention, abstinence, alienation, aloneness, aloofness, asceticism, avoidance, bachelorhood, banyan day, chastity, continence, continency, detachment, Encratism, eschewal, fast, fish day, friarhood, Friday, fruitarianism, gymnosophy, intactness, isolation, keeping apart, Lenten fare, loneliness, loneness, lonesomeness, maidenhead, maidenhood, monachism, monasticism, monkery, moving apart, nephalism, plain living, Platonic love, privacy, purity, Pythagoreanism, Pythagorism, Rechabitism, refraining, refrainment, seclusion, self-restraint, separateness, sequestration, sexual abstinence, Shakerism, simple diet, single blessedness, singleness, solitariness, solitude, spare diet, Spartan fare, spinsterhood, splendid isolation, Stoicism, teetotalism, the pledge, total abstinence, vegetarianism, virginity, withdrawal