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Meaning of BLAZER

Pronunciation:  'bleyzur

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  lightweight single-breasted jacket; often striped in the colors of a club or school
 Synonyms: sport coat, sport jacket, sports coat, sports jacket
 See Also: jacket



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Blaz"er\, n.
    One who spreads reports or blazes matters abroad. ``Blazers
    of crime.'' --Spenser.
  2. \Blaz"er\, n.
    1. Anything that blazes or glows, as with heat or flame.
    2. A light jacket, usually of wool or silk and of a bright
       color, for wear at tennis, cricket, or other sport.
    3. The dish used when cooking directly over the flame of a
       chafing-dish lamp, or the coals of a brasier.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: blouse, body coat, bolero, bomber jacket, capuchin, car coat, chaqueta, chesterfield, claw hammer, claw-hammer coat, cutaway coat, dinner jacket, doublet, dress coat, duffel, Eton jacket, fingertip coat, fitted coat, frock, frock coat, jerkin, jumper, jupe, loden coat, mackinaw, Mao jacket, mess jacket, midicoat, monkey jacket, parka, pea jacket, reefer, sack, san benito, ski jacket, sleeve waistcoat, smoking jacket, spiketail coat, swallowtail, tabard, tail coat, tails, watch coat, windbreaker, woolly