Orange or yellowish pigment that is the result of breakdown of red blood cells. Excess of bilirubin in the blood produces jaundice.
Biology Dictionary
A red-orange pigment found in bile which is formed when old red blood cells are broken down in the liver. It can also form from other types of hemecatabolism. It has the chemical formula C33H36N4O6. It is transformed from the green bile pigment biliverdin, which is directly formed from heme catabolism. Excessive bilirubin in the blood results in jaundice.
Bilirubin is the by-product of breaking down hemoglobin that is measured in a blood sample. The unconjugated form of bilirubin is also called indirect bilirubin. After the liver adds a glucuronide to the unconjugated bilirubin, it is called conjugated bilirubin, also called direct bilirubin. Conjugated bilirubin is excreted into the hepatic ducts, the common bile duct and then the bowel. Serum levels of bilirubin increase when there is excessive breaking down of red blood cells, or when there is liver dysfunction. Jaundice is clinically recognizable when total bilirubin exceeds 50 umol/liter.
Normal ranges:
Total bilirubin 5.1-17.0 umol/L (adult) and 17-20 umol/L (newborn) Indirect bilirubin 3.4-12.0 umol/L Direct bilirubin 1.7 - 5.0 umol/L