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Meaning of ASTRONAUT

Pronunciation:  'astru`not

WordNet Dictionary
[n]  a person trained to travel in a spacecraft; "the Russians called their astronauts cosmonauts"

ASTRONAUT is a 9 letter word that starts with A.


 Synonyms: cosmonaut, spaceman
 See Also: Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr., Alan Shepard, Armstrong, Gagarin, Glenn, John Glenn, John Herschel Glenn Jr., Neil Armstrong, Shepard, spacewalker, Tereshkova, traveler, traveller, Valentina Tereshkova, Valentina Vladmirovna Tereshkova, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, Yuri Gagarin



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adventurer, aeronaut, aeroplaner, aeroplanist, air pilot, airplanist, alien, alpinist, aviator, barnstormer, birdman, camper, captain, climber, cloud seeder, comers and goers, commercial pilot, commuter, copilot, cosmonaut, cosmopolite, crop-duster, cruiser, excursionist, explorer, fare, flier, globe-girdler, globe-trotter, goer, hajji, instructor, jet jockey, jet set, jet-setter, journeyer, licensed pilot, man from Mars, mariner, Martian, mountaineer, palmer, passenger, passerby, pathfinder, pilgrim, pilot, pioneer, planetary colony, rainmaker, rocket man, rocketeer, rubberneck, rubbernecker, sailor, sightseer, space crew, space traveler, spaceman, straphanger, stunt flier, stunt man, test pilot, tourer, tourist, trailblazer, trailbreaker, transient, traveler, trekker, tripper, viator, visiting fireman, voortrekker, voyager, voyageur, wayfarer, wingman, world-traveler